Now, time for ACTION!

After all these talk on organic pig farming, what can you as a reader do, to contribute to the cause of organic pig farming? There are many things that you can do!

Adopt a pig

We habitually adopt runnaway pigs the way an animal sanctury would do. So, we need you!

I mean we want you to make a donation pledge to us so that such humanitarian effort can continue. To make this effort more enjoyable and meaningful to our patrons, we put up a few pigs for adoption each week. You can choose to adopt a pig by making a pledge of a regular contribution of about 10 dollars per month during the pig's life cycle. By adopting a pig, you will get:

  • A photo of the pig
  • An quarterly update of the pig's growth
  • Our newsletter

Click on the image to get a large picture.

Weight: 50 pounds
Origin: Australia
Favourite food: Potatos

Weight: 48 pounds
Origin: Germany
Favourite food: Rice

Weight: 58 pounds
Origin: Canada
Favourite food: Corn

Make a Donation:

This is my favourite part of this entire web site. We need your support in creating a prototypical organic pig farm as a model of future pig farms. We have identified a very nice place in Central New York to create this farm. I am sure the local farmer's market and the groceries will be thrilled to purchase healthy pork from organically grown pigs that they can sell to the increasingly health-minded residents. So please write a check to us so that we can make this haven for pigs, and a source of healthy food for humans.

Make your check to: Mr. Rip Van Winkle

Our address is:

Syracuse Organic Farm
C/O Rip Van Winkle
330 Sleeping Hollows, Apt. 33
Syracuse, NY13244

Questions, concerns, decisions, assertions, suggestions?



All images have been linked to their sources