
Before you start this session, please answer the following questions.

1. Why would someone build a relationship with a pig?

a) People are lonely
b) Pigs are lonely
c) Pigs are good companions
d) None of the above

2. Please list some ways you can build a good relationship with pigs
Please use a think-aloud method to write your answer for 2 minutes. That is, write non-stop whatever comes to your mind regarding this topic. At the end of 2 minutes, stop and send an email to me at:

Building Relations with Pigs

Pig-people ralationship has never been satisfactory. People treat pigs mostly as pork units, instead of a living animal that has the potential of becoming a friend.

Defend them: pigs are sensitive and they are intelligent. When pigs are pregnant, for instance, they became very protective and defensive. When their piglets are born, mother pigs are constantly on the alert for dangers and attacks. Our first priority for building a relationship with pigs is to protect them from evil pig farmers. In Australia, for instance, there was an animal right advocacy group who asked you to write to people to free pregnant pigs from animal stalls and industrail farms. We highly recommend that you do the same by writing to a U.S. senator or President Bush (or Kerry) about the issue.

Talk to them: Pigs are actually quite smart. Some people might be called "more stupid than a pig." Chances are, they are right. So you can talk to pigs. They listen. They may even respond to you by shaking their ears and tail. They might grunt in agreement. In any case, they do not retort. They will not quarrel with you, or make you angry by saying that your tie looks horrible.

Walk with them: You can take pigs for a walk. Unlike dogs, when you take pigs for a walk. They will not run around and scare little kids. Taking a pig for a walk may even look cool!

Ride on them: Pig rides are very safe, and most pigs enjoy that. They are naturally domestic. So, unlike horses and new undergraduate students, they do not give you a hard time. They go very slowly and stably. Their speed is the same that you can be fully relaxed. They are always in a "cruise" mode.

Running a race: pig races are fun and thrilling. You can organize a pig race in any open space except somewhere near an industrial farm, where those evil farmers may steal some runaway pigs. Try your lawn, a primary school playground, or even the Carrier Dome! Races immediately creates a sense of collegiaty between the pigs and a friendship with you.

Send them a gift: we find that pigs like cards, especially those with happy birthday tunes attached to it. Pigs like green and muddy colors on those cards. You can also send pigs some gifts. Potato pies, cereal, pumpkins are good choices. Or you can contact me for a one-of-a-kind gift idea.


Review Question:

  • Why are some of the ways you can build a relationship with a dog?

Questions, concerns, decisions, assertions, suggestions?



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